Bottle Conditioned
| Case Study |

Bottle Conditioned is a documentary feature film that explores the human journeys of resilience, determination and perseverance within a niche community of lambic blenders. From near extinction in the late 1940s due to the global impact of Coca-Cola to a sudden resurgence within the last decade, Lambic has become recognized worldwide as an integral part of Belgian cultural heritage.


    + UX Research
    + Strategy
    + Ethnography
    + Cross Cultural Research
    + Cross-Functional Collaboration


    Jerry Franck
    Courtney Marsh
    Mario Contini


    + Qualitative Research
    + In-depth Interviews
    + 1:1 interviews
    + Personas


    2020 – 2023

Research Objectives

Serving as both a User Researcher and Executive Producer, I examined the traditions and practices of lambic blending and the necessity in preserving its cultural heritage. After extensive formative research conducted with one of the main breweries featured in the film, I developed personas to more effectively assess not only the film’s target audience but additionally consider fringe audiences to widen its market reach.

  • Conducted 1:1 Interviews

  • Facilitated In-depth Interviews

  • Established Stakeholder Personas

1:1 Interviews

Subject: Armand Debelder
Role: Co-Owner + Blender, Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen

In-depth Interviews

Participant: Werner Van Obberghen
Role: Co-Owner + Managing Director, Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen

Participant: Michaël Blanquaert
Role: Co-Owner + Blender + Brewer, Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen

Stakeholder Personas

For this documentary to maximize its reach, the marketing scope must not only consider potential stakeholders within its niche viewership but also those who share a connection around the film’s intent, context, and themes.

  • Target Audience / 1st Tier

    + Collectors
    + Loyal
    + Strong Palettes
    + Educated on Brewing/Blending styles
    + Uniqueness

    + She | He | They
    + Age Range: 20s-60s
    + International (higher likelihood)
    + Domestic (less likelihood)

    Goals & Needs
    + Authenticity
    + Quality
    + Backstory
    + Innovation
    + Rarity

    Pain Points
    + Access to Rare beers
    + Expensive to travel to purchase
    + Lack of Awareness/Knowledge of Lambic

  • Sub-Target Audience / 2nd Tier

    + Sociality
    + Local Connoisseur
    + Hand Crafted vs. Mass Produced
    + Connection to Brewery/Brand

    + She | He | They
    + Age Range: 25-60
    + Majority Domestic (due to variety + access)
    + Fewer International (higher % in EU/slowly emerging elsewhere)

    Goals & Needs
    + Support Local
    + Anti-Corporate
    + Strong Flavor Profiles
    + Community Developers

    Pain Points
    + Lack of Awareness/Knowledge of Lambic
    + Acquired Taste
    + Oversaturation

  • Fringe Target Audience / 3rd Tier

    + World Traveler
    + Researcher
    + Cultural Connoisseur
    + Adventurous
    + Omnibibulous

    + She | He | They
    + Age Range: mid 20s-50s
    + International
    + Domestic

    Goals & Needs
    + Michelin Star status
    + Exclusivity
    + Finer Things
    + Prioritize Income on Food

    Pain Points
    * Perception of Beer
    + Lack of Awareness/Knowledge of Lambic
    + Acquired Taste

  • Fringe Target / 4th Tier

    + Curious People
    + Observers
    + Researchers
    + Vested interest in other cultures

    + She | He | They
    + Age Range 18-65
    + International
    + Domestic

    Goals & Needs
    + Desire to Discover Newness
    + Visit diverse cultures and regions
    + Bucket List Goals
    + Variety as the “Spice of Life”

    Pain Points
    + Time Consuming (Planning & Research)
    + Schedule Availability
    + Finances
    + Trip Delays/Cancellations